What is Online or Virtual Therapy

What is Online Therapy?

Online Therapy, also known as telehealth, or teletherapy, is the use of modern technology to provide traditional individual, family, and group therapy. Services are still rendered by a licensed and experienced clinician, but provided in a way more convenient to your life.

Therapy is provided with the use of HIPAA compliant video service so your privacy and personal health information continue to be safeguarded.

Online therapy allows individuals who may not have time to travel to an in-office appointment, and can also help individuals who may not have found the right fit for them in their area.

Steps to Take Before Your Appointment

You will receive a link via email or test message (or both depending on your preferences) for each appointment scheduled. These are unique links for each appointment.

Prior to your first appointment, I require you complete all the intake paperwork sent to you through the client portal and to have put a credit card on file with my processor, Ivy Pay. Please note, your intake cannot begin until these tasks are complete.

When you “arrive” to your appointment, you should not need to bring anything additional with you.

Tips for Creating Privacy and Helping You Focus on Your Appointment

  • Ensure you have a private space. Ideally different from a work space (but I understand this is not always possible).

  • Try to communicate with others at home (partners, roommates, children) about the importance of having soem quiet and privacy during this time.

  • Many clients find that using headphones for session not only reduces the risk of an echo, but can also enhance privacy and help one feel more present for the experience.

  • Using a white noise machine outside of your room/door. 

    • Creative privacy solutions: sessions via phone in your car, going for a walk while on the call, ask housemates / partners for an hour of privacy.

  • Create a pre therapy ritual tea break before session, go for a quick walk, engage in some reflective journaling, listen to music, spending time to silence work chats and notifications.

Some Helpful Ways to Get Ready and Prepare

Many clients enjoy therapy from their personal space so they can get ready for their appointment emotionally, mentally, and physically. Some clients report creating some pre-therapy rituals, like:

  • Making a cup of tea.

  • Go for a walk around the block.

  • Spend a few minutes silencing work chats, putting your phone in airplane mode, or turning off work monitors.

  • Gather items you might want with your for your session: pets, comfortable pillows, a warm beverage, a glass of water, etc.

Helpful Steps and Required Equipment

We want to make sure we have the smoothest process we can for your appointments. Not all difficulties and glitches can be avoided, but taking the following steps and making sure you have and know how to use one of the devices below will help make sure we can focus on our conversation instead of technical difficulties.

  • You will need an internet connection that is at least 10mbps. For  optimal results, a reliable, high-speed internet connection with a  bandwidth of at least 10 mbps will minimize connection issues and  provide the best quality.

    • If you are using WiFi, use only your private networks, and make sure you are having therapy in a location that has a good speed connection to the signal. 

    • If you plan on using your cellular data plan, please make sure you are doing so in a location with a very good signal and you have a good sized or unlimited data plan to make use of.

  • If using a web browser, Chrome will be the most compatible with Simple Practice

    • close all other tabs and browsers.

    • Disconnect from your VPN, if you’re using one. Going through your VPN can significantly slow down the video connection.

Required Devices:

  • Desktop computer with a webcam, speakers, a 2.5 GHz processor, and 4 GB of RAM 


  • Laptop computer with built-in webcam and speakers, a 2.5 GHz processor, and 4 GB of RAM


  • Tablet device with built-in webcam and speakers,


  • Smartphone with at least iOS 11 or Android 7.0

  • (Note: To use a smartphone or Tablet, you must first download Telehealth by SimplePractice - available for iOS or Android in the app store.)

Questions before getting started?

You can reach out and set up a 15-minute call so we can talk through more about what you want help with and any questions or concerns you might have.

Ready to make the first move?

Let’s get something scheduled to begin.