Quality Individual Therapy

So you feel stronger and whole again.

Individual Therapy and Counseling

Together, we will work to meet your goals in a safe secure environment.

All potential clients meet for an initial therapy consultation. Once we agree on the best course of treatment, we will schedule you regular sessions until we agree it is time to reduce frequency.

Initial Therapy Evaluation | $275  

Ongoing Individual Therapy | $275

The journey will be made together as a team.

The journey will be made together as a team.

What happens in individual therapy?

The short answer: We work together to move you forward in the direction you want to go.

The slightly longer answer: We will identify what feels “broken”, tired, worn out, and over stressed. We will learn new skills, strategies, and ways to problem solve. We will find all the pieces of yourself and fit them back together. Whether it’s work stressors, relationship challenges, parenting problems, you will feel empowered to face life’s challenges as they come.

Seeking out therapy does not have to be scary or frightening. You have everything you need to overcome your challenges. I will provide the guidance and tools for you to identify and make use of all the strengths you have within. My style is calming and grounded and I strive to make you feel safe and comfortable.

I provide quality individual therapy via a secure online video and phone network. Engaging in online therapy allows you to continue to go about your busy day and schedule and increases your ability to engage in this important piece of work for your personal life. Together we will work to meet your goals.

Questions before getting started?

You can reach out and set up a 15-minute call so we can talk through more about what you want help with and any questions or concerns you might have.

Ready to make the first move?

Let’s get something scheduled to start.